After thinking deeply about what is happening in our nation, I have concluded that "All Lives Matter" is the correct response to "Black Lives Matter" no matter how offense it might be to some. Let me explain my reasoning because it really took a long time to articulate in my mind what's up.
Black Lives Matter is a response to an appearance of abundant racist police, but my objection to all this was that if black lives really mattered to the black community, why is there so much black on black crime?
Good question, and when I further thought about it, I concluded that crime is color blind, for it does not care what your skin color is, so yeah, crime has that going for it, but I am sure we can all agree that crime is not a good thing.
Next what we have here is what I like to call the "hood." The hood promotes crime, and crime, like I said before, does not care about skin color. However, this color-blind-crime also does not care about people. So we have the hood that creates crime and crime has a voice that says "No lives matter!" It does not say "Black lives don't matter," because crime doesn't care about skin color, but, "No lives matter!"
And well, as a Christian, all lives matter to me.
When I once thought the black community is really the one that does not believe that black lives matter, because of all the black on black crime I see here in Newark, I have concluded that color has nothing to do with it but only the voice that is greater: the voice of crime that says, "No lives matter!" or the opposing voice of God that says, "All lives matter!"