Friday, October 14, 2016

Warning, Warning

Is America in for troubling times? For service today we watched this youtube video. I don't know about earthquakes, though I do believe it's possible. However what concerns me most is civil unrest. Unrest that might cause problems. I have hope for America though.

What amuses me but also concerns me is that the media can't handle Trump. He drives the media mad for some reason. And to be honest, I kind of like that because I don't see the media as a friend of God at times. Always promoting and pushing an agenda that pleases them, an agenda that has no concern what God wants. So when I see the media implode over Trump, it kind of delights me.

Strangely though, I saw one of the subtitles of a book given to Pastor Sam for his birthday today, that said something about the coming war of Christian against Christian. How can this be, but it seems that's how it already has been these days, Christians being divided by politics.

Israel, American must support Israel. I think this may be the number one issue. If we mess with Israel, God will allow satan to mess with America. Recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital would be a great start. And then don't interfere with their actions. How about trusting Israel for once, that they know best how to govern their own country. If we try to split their land, God will let our land be split, by earthquakes or hurricanes or civil unrest or terrorist attacks, or mass shootings or anything else.

God will not be mocked, whatsoever a man (or country for that matter) sows, that shall they also reap. Sow good and reap good, so bad and reap bad. That simple. I could go on but let me end this here.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Kaf, the 11th Hebrew Letter

Monday afternoon and the Mission is closed, but I can tell you most likely tomorrow for noonday service we will be going to Kaf, the 11th letter of the Hebrew alephbet: