Monday, June 22, 2015

InfoWars' Alternative Perspectives

I might not agree with everything InfoWars produces, but it is nice to see content that might be avoided by the mainstream media, such as this video I watched about an armed full-time missionary in Africa who helped to stop a church massacre in South Africa:

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Birthday to Me!

I'm blogging on my birthday, an hour left. It would have been an incredible day except for some terrible neighbors. After church went out with some friends to celebrate and came home around 8pm to the bar across the street blasting this music:

BLASTING! Is it not? I still have adrenaline in my body from when I was planning on speaking to the owner since the police said that noise complaints start at 10pm. I am still so edgy from the adrenaline that I don't even feel like saying thank you to all my facebook friends who have been wishing me happy birthday all day. Am taking deep breaths right now.

What I also did was write a little story on facebook and tagged as many Newark city leaders as I could. An old friend from the prosecutors office replied that though noise complaints start at 10pm, there is a city ordinance for excessive noise: C.O. 20:3-7

I was kind of relieved to read that and that depending on police availability they should come out with a "noise meter" to determine the decibel level. I am sure that if I still live on planet earth, the decibel level of the above music was way beyond an acceptable level.

Other than all this, today was a great day, sharing it with all the fathers out there it being Father's Day today too.

I still have not watched it yet because of how emotional it may make me, but one of my sisters made this in tribute to our dad:

I am sure when I am ready, I'll watch it, but not yet.

What else can I say but perhaps that yesterday was a great day too giving out about 150 bags of food plus meat. We had brother Jim Miley preach too, which is always a treat, and he got me excited by saying that if I wanted he'd send me over to Uganda as a full time missionary. I am not ready yet but ideally I think I could spend about 20 years in Africa, that is of course if the Lord tarries. I thought I already blogged his message from yesterday but I guess not. His and Pastor Sam I should blog soon and so share the link here. Anyway I'll leave this post here and see what else the Lord will have me do. Blessings!

Friday, June 19, 2015

A PSE&G Type of Day

Today I spent my morning waiting for the meter reading lady and not for the first time on a meter reading day found myself researching solar power. Aside from leasing the upfront costs still seem a bit prohibitive. Having opened the Mission doors around 8am and the meter not being read till about 11:45am, I started to feel real sleepy around 12:30pm since I did not sleep well and came upstairs for a solid nap. Truth is I am not real motivated to write right now.

What has really been on my mind is Charleston and what everyone is thinking and saying. Felt a sad feeling as I went out today to take care of a few errands. Just praying for God's justice, He knows what's best. This kid really just needs to be put to death as quickly as possible. Sure give him the trial our country guarantees, but lets make it quick and his punishment complete. Something like this can not be tolerated.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

A Heavy Confession

Yesterday I was gung-ho about this blog but today I've had a creeping thought that makes me feel less enthusiastic: do I really want to create and design a great blog that I don't even own? As in all that I create here ultimately belongs to blogger. I have been wrestling with that question for a few hours and though there is the con of lack of ownership, there is an attractive pro in saving $3.99 a month for hosting. Still as I wrestle with the future, there is content galore I could be sharing. Such as this podcast link to Michael Cabbibo's message from Sunday that I created earlier today: The Coat, the Shoes and the Ring.

Or the link to the podcast of Denise Spinos' testimony and songs that I also created today: Denise Spinos’ Testimony and Songs.

Then there is the half hour conversation I had with two people from American Power and Gas trying to convince us to switch our gas and electric supply from PSE&G to them. Nothing would have made me happier if they could consistently save us money, but after reviewing seven negative customer reviews (with no positive reviews to offer) on Better Business Bureau, they did not sound very attractive after all.

However, what sealed the deal in not following up with them to switch was we have used Ambit as our supplier in the past and they have eight positive reviews and only two negative on Better Business Bureau and we even chose to cut them loose due to price concerns.

Then on a more serious note completely I could mention the shooting down in South Carolina where some demon possessed young man shot and killed nine people in a church. Now it's a race war and Obama used it to say how guns should be limited in America (though the Second Amendment guarantees our right to bear arms). It's crazy I thought because my first reaction was the exact opposite when I was telling someone this morning that if they were all armed in the church this would not have happened. Sure, church should be the last place a gun belongs, but in this messed up world where Satan goes about seeking whom he may devour, it only seems intelligent we do all we can to defend ourselves. Then I'm annoyed because I'm on twitter after work just relaxing and reading how some African American Christians are upset because they think the church in general is ignoring the "black lives matter" crusade. I was reading the twitter feed of one young lady in particular and was surprised to learn that Fox News said, "if the church members were armed then this wouldn't have happened." There was of course a picture mocking the quote, but I thought it was interesting because it was almost word for word what I said this morning.

Then on facebook I run across this video about "what the media is not saying about the shooting." And I ask myself how possibly could this story be spinned? I decided to watch the video anyway out of curiosity and saw it was an Info Wars video of the Alex Jones genre. I was not real disappointed because lately it seems what Alex says makes more and more sense in what I am viewing as a more and more twisted world. In any case here is the video:

After I realized the speaker in this video has strong ties to Info Wars I decided to look up Alex Jones directly on twitter and see what he had to say and ran across this video:

This whole thing about "if you're a white conservative then you must be racist" is just getting on my nerves. I am completely against racism but that doesn't mean I'm gonna support same-sex marriage or gun control to make it look like I'm not racist. That's just non-sense. And on that note, I'll end with a comforting picture I took earlier today of a cross I found in an unexpected place:

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Live Streaming

While in prayer the Lord also showed me to embed a live streaming player of our church services:

GoFundMe for Kenya Mission Trip

About two hours ago while in prayer, the Lord showed me to make a GoFundMe account for my mission trip to Kenya at the end of August:

Leviticus Bible Study

Since I just posted our Sunday service's youtube video, I thought why not post our Bible study video from last night on the book of Leviticus:

Sunday Service with Michael Cabbibo

I am not sure if I am procrastinating doing my laundry, which wouldn't be the first time, but it struck me I'd like to post the youtube video of our Sunday service which involves the ordination of a long time friend of the House of Mercy Mission, Michael Cabibbo, and his first official message:

In The Beginning...

The other day it crossed my mind that I should create a new blog concerning my work related to missions and more specifically my work here in Newark, NJ. My thoughts, daily activities or strange occurrences, anything that might strike me as worth sharing, that is the purpose of this blog.

Today is Wednesday, one of my three days off a week, and I desperately need to do laundry. I write that more for comic relief, but one thing I dislike about my situation is the dependence upon laundromats. Though Newark is full of them, and there are several less than a quarter of a mile away, it's been awhile since I have forsaken them for safety reasons.

For example, if you will take a look at this photo I uploaded to Panoramio in November of 2009, you will see that just in front of Bill's Laundromat there was a shooting. I went there once to do laundry I think shortly after coming to Newark in 2002, but it was too uncomfortable for me to ever return. About two or three blocks east there is a laundromat next to family dollar that I liked instead but over the years found it more and more uncomfortable as well (for safety reasons). Thinking about it the word weird seems the most appropriate to describe some of experiences there which ranged from being threatened to being seen and approached as an undercover police officer. Of all the laundromats in the general area that I would still willing go to (though haven't for awhile) is Laundry Depot (at 515 Chancellor Ave Irvington, NJ 07111). I had to laugh looking up that laundromat because it is not even in Newark. That is a shame there are no laundromats in Newark I would prefer going to. In fact I prefer a laundromat in Union, NJ (2630 NJ-82 [aka Morris Ave.]) as my closest favorite. It's a rather old fashion and still takes only quarters.

The last laundromat I'd like to mention is White Tiger Laundromat which is 24-hours in North Plainfield, NJ, off route 22 (993 US-22). It is rather far but because it's safe and 24 hours I have spent more that a few boring hours there. It also has free wifi, so you can't beat that.

So I will leave it at that and hope that this first post which is about laundromats is not as boring as actually being in one.