Friday, August 5, 2016

Late Night Blogging

12:44am Friday morning, the last day of VBS for our kids today and am planning to wake up around 6:45am to start picking them up. But am feeling restless and have been wanting to blog for a couple hours, so I figured why not get it out of me.

"I go through boys like underwear," said one of my old bosses to me from Tops Dinner in East Newark. Stopped by there after work with a friend who is visiting from Kenya and had me a bomb steak salad. Can't say I have ever had a better salad and have been wanting to hit that joint for some time to see if it still had it, and it did, the salad that is.

Was actually quite an experience I had there, and though the underwear comment takes the prize for most memorable, I had a jolly moment after I recovered from nearly choking on one of the steak strips. The steak was incredible, just fantastic but there was one piece that had a little extra fat and I could not quite figure out how to negotiate it.

Before I go on, part of the humor I found in all this had to do with an EMT textbook that was 70% off at Barnes and Noble which I had looked at the day before. At the time I found myself nearly choking on this tricky bit of steak, the thought crossed my mind that maybe I should have studied that EMT textbook more.

I thank God that I was able to easily eject the offending piece of cow! Though I did not want to make a scene, I would have to save my life. Who wouldn't, right? But the thought of possibly having to made me imagine the hoopla it would have caused. Rightfully so in such a case, but hoopla none-the-less.

However, it was the thought that maybe I should have studied the EMT textbook, at the exact time I was choking, that amused me. Interestingly even now I am having a thought that maybe I should go back and pick that book up, if it's still there. A sign!

Yeah but then my old boss's comment ("I go through boys like underwear") when I tried to jog his memory to remember me. Obviously he did not.

It was not the exact response I was looking for, but definitely original. My only question is if I should be insulted being that I am 37 years old and told him it was about 7 years ago. It's been awhile since someone called me a boy, but perhaps it was the story that I used to try to make him remember: "I only worked here for about 3 months, but over there [pointing to a particular place] is where I walked out on you."

Yeah I did that, walked out of Tops Diner as a waiter and made a big scene. Eh, it was just a waitering job, so no big deal, right? Well after I walked out I thought about it for awhile in the parking lot and had second thoughts, thinking that was no way to quit a job. And he actually let me come back.

I worked there for a couple more weeks before an underling let me go, saying because I could not work certain nights they had to release me. Anyway, I always thought the boss was cool, and that maybe I was just having a bad night that night. Things between the boss and me were never the same though after that night. Whatever. Many moons ago! Memories, memories.

Alright I think that will do it for now. Good night and God bless!

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